Doing the work to see God's Kingdom expand.
- Planting and Revitalizion
- Word-Driven & Evangelistic
- High View of Local Church
- Robust Theology
Plant Indy unites like-minded churches in Indianapolis to help plant new churches and revitalize dying congregations. We seek to plant churches in the central Indiana – the geographic perimeter is roughly defined as Peru (North), Seymour (South), Illinois border (West), and Ohio border (East). That being said, our primary focus is on the metro Indy area. Churches who partner with Plant Indy agree to doctrinal and philosophical alignment, as well as a commitment to financial contribution. Church plants or revitalizations sponsored by Plant Indy are also aligned doctrinally and philosophically while also sharing the expectation of monetary partnership as they gain financial independence.
Plant Indy is committed to accomplishing this goal in a way we deem faithful to the teaching of the Bible. First and foremost, this entails a commitment to the regular preaching of gospel. This looks like pastors opening the Bible on Sundays to help their people understand all of God’s Word––the ultimate message of the Bible is that God graciously extend mercy and avoidance from wrath and shame by forgiving the sins of men and women who turn to God in repentance and faith, making those individuals significant members of God’s new people group. This also looks like Christians sharing the message and words of the Bible in regular conversation with an aim to persuade others to follow God in obedience and love.
Plant Indy and its partner churches are committed to holding the local gathering of God’s people in high esteem. As Christians, we are called by God to gather together with others whom He has called out of the world to live in obedience to Christ. We believe this has significant impact on the life of individual believers who join together in their own local communities. These local churches best reflect the teachings of the New Testament when they are led by faithful men who meet the qualifications laid out in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1; practice the baptizing of believers following their conversion to Christianity as a means of symbolizing their admission into a distinct, covenant community; and express loving care and watchfulness for their fellow members.
Plant Indy and its partner churches affirm the Indianapolis Theological Seminary Statement of Common Beliefs as well as Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (click to read those articles). We are eagerly committed to partnering with other like-minded churches to fulfill the Great Commission. All partner churches must have at least one pastor who affirms the Indianapolis Theological Seminary Statement of Common Beliefs.
*For more information on our ecclesiology, see this document.